Christian Brothers

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2021 San Miguel Gala

If you've attended a San Miguel Gala in the past you know that each year we have, what we like to call, Fund-a-Need opportunities. This year, we have one specific item that we will be fundraising for in our fund-a-need section of the gala. It's a big item... one that is very necessary for the school and for our boys. It helps us get out into and explore the world around us. It takes us on field trips, it takes us to the beach during summer camp. It takes us to all our basketball and baseball games and most importantly - it helps us create long lasting memories with our San Miguel Brothers.

This year, our one and only Fund-a-Need opportunity will be

.........(insert drum roll here)..........

A BUS! We will be using a giving platform called Givebutter to fundraise for the bus. Givebutter gives you the opportunity to pay with credit card, PayPal or Venmo!

Click on the button below to read more about the bus and for donation opportunities!