Meditations by John Baptiste de La Salle

The Holy Guardian Angeles

October 2, 2024
Liturgical Season
Ordinary Time

First Point

Let us admire God’s goodness and thank him for the grace he has given us in assigning an angel to take care of us, protect us, and serve us. God was not satisfied to give us his only Son to rescue us from sin and to send us his Holy Spirit to fill us with his holy grace. To omit nothing of all his care that could advance our interests and keep us in piety and in his holy love, he also sends the holy angels to be with us on earth. He sends these blessed spirits, who rejoice before him in heaven, to be near us always, to help us, and to serve us in every kind of situation. He orders them to watch over us on his behalf, to guide us, and to enlighten us in all our ways,1 so that we may be able to go straight to heaven in safety without wandering astray. This is truly a marvelous effect of his goodness, says Saint Bernard, and one of the greatest proofs of his love. Let us, then, show our gratitude for this by carrying out exactly what the angels inspire us to do

Second Point

The help we receive from our good angels is quite considerable. They suggest to us a great number of good and holy thoughts to bring us to God. They urge us to do penance for our sins. They offer our prayers to God. They pray for us and procure for us gifts so numerous and so great that it is difficult to describe them. The Royal Prophet speaks about them in a few words when he says, They will bear you up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone, in other words, lest your soul be wounded by the slightest sin. You will walk on the asp and the adder and trample under foot the lion and the dragon.2 This means that under their guidance, we will remain invulnerable against all the attacks of the devil. We ought to fear nothing, then, under the protection and guidance of these angels of God, for, says Saint Bernard, they will not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength, and in situations that are too difficult and dangerous for us, they will bear us up in their hands, to enable us to surmount trials and difficulties without being harmed3 in any way. With what ease, then, you will overcome all that is opposed to your salvation, having the good fortune to be upheld by the hands of such defenders.

Third Point

How much this help we receive from our good angels ought to lead us to respect them! Must this not also inspire us with devotion toward them and with confidence in their protection? We owe them respect, says Saint Bernard, because of their presence; devotion, because of their kindness toward us; confidence, because of their care to guard us. We are also obliged to acknowledge the unbounded charity with which they obey the order to take care of us in such great and such continual need. Every time we feel ourselves assailed by some violent temptation and threatened by some considerable difficulty, let us invoke this angel who watches over us, leads us, and gives us such generous help in our needs and difficulties. By fervent and continual prayer, let us address ourselves to our Guardian Angel, ever present and ready to defend and console us. Often pray also to the Guardian Angels of your students, so that under their powerful protection, your students may willingly practice the good you have taught them and do so with greater ease.

Historical Context

Not until 1670 was the feast of the Guardian Angels made a celebration for the whole Church, but devotion to these protectors of individual people was a much older practice among Christians. During De La Salle’s lifetime, the popularity of the devotion became widespread. That it meant much to the Founder can be noted by the fact that in two of his Meditations for the Time of Retreat, he calls on the Brothers to see in these angels a model for their service to the students in the Christian Schools. The school year in France began on or near October 2, a day on which, according to the Rule, the Brothers would all receive Holy Communion.

Scripture Citation

  1. Ps 91:11
  2. Ps 91:12–13
  3. Ps 91:12, 13