About the Saint Yon Society

Saint Yon Society members are important partners in the Lasallian Mission. Your annual financial commitment to educational excellence, improved Brothers recruitment, Lasallian Formation of partners and Brothers, and care for our senior Brothers is central to continuing the founder’s work.

Signum Fidei - Beige Background image

Saint Yon Society Membership

Membership in the Saint Yon society directly supports the Lasallian mission of the Christian Brothers of the Midwest and the promotion of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, “the Teacher’s Saint.” Through prayer and donations, friends of the Christian Brothers throughout the world make a difference in student’s lives with their fiscal support.

The Saint Yon Society is the primary support of the Christian Brothers of the Midwest and ensures the care of our senior brothers and the continued high-quality leadership in Lasallian education, supports the recruitment of vocations for our next generation of Brothers, increases the transformative power of a Lasallian Education through formation programming, and provides prayerful support through the intercession of Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

Supporting the Christian Brothers of the Midwest District allows our Lasallian mission to continue to excel at serving and educating youth.

Donor Levels

$1-499 donors: Canon Member

“God has chosen you to do his work.”
(MTR 4.1 [Med 196.1])

It is often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; St. John Baptist de La Salle began his religious journey at the age of 15, as a Canon at Riems Cathedral. It was at Reims where St. Remi baptized King Clovis in the 5th century, where De La Salle remained a Canon for 16 years, and where he was first ordained a priest in 1678, at the age of 28. A Canon assists the bishop in his duties, must excel in piety, and be an example to others. De La Salle carried these themes throughout his life. 

At the Canon level, you too proclaim your faith in the Lasallian mission, and your generosity serves as an example to others. You are essential in assisting the Brothers in their mission of educating the young.

$500-999 donors: Adrien Nyel Member

“Walk along God’s path.”
(Med 75.3)

On the doorstep of the Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, in March of 1679, the then Fr. De La Salle met Adrien Nyel, who was in town at the request of Mme. Jeanne Dubois Maillefer. She had given Nyel money and encouraged him to begin a free school for boys in Reims. Nyel was calling upon the Sisters and Fr. De La Salle for aid. It was here that in St. John Baptist de La Salle’s heart were sown the seeds of what grew to become the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and the Lasallian mission. The first “Lasallian” school opened in 1679 in St. Maurice Parish, with the help of De La Salle. Adrien Nyel ran the school.

As an Adrien Nyel Member, you are taking the first steps needed to begin the education of young people; you represent all the people who played a role in our Founder’s journey—the people who made it possible. Had De La Salle and Nyel not met on that doorstep, the Christian Brothers, as we know them today, would have never come to be. Without you, the mission cannot continue.

$1,000+ Visitor’s Club

“Inspire and lead others by encouraging them.”
(MTR 1:2 [Med 193.2])

The Brother Visitor, as leader of a District, is at the service of his Brothers. As was St. John Baptist de La Salle, the Brother Visitor is always concerned about developing each individual’s personal vocation and improving their ability to carry out their mission. Through them, he carries out the Lasallian mission in his district and in the world.

As a member of the Visitor’s Club, you express your service through support and generosity. At this level, you are a leader of the mission. Just as the work of a mission has many facets to it, there are reflected various levels of support within the Visitor’s Club.

$1,000-4,999: Fraternal Member

“Throw yourself into God’s arms.
He will carry you when the road is rough.”
(Palm Sunday)

No one can live their best life alone. A life well lived requires support from others and the supporting of others. Living fraternally centers on learning, friendship, giving, sharing, love, and family-like relationships. It is support in human form. Knowing the road ahead would be difficult, St. John Baptist de La Salle created fraternity when he took teachers into his own home for board, lodging and religious practice. He knew, as Brothers they would carry each other through difficult times.

As a Fraternal Member, you follow the path of those first Brothers, walking with others, and your generosity is an example for others to walk with you. You carry each other when the road is rough.

$5,000-9,999: Guiding Light Member

“Young people need
the light of watchful guides
to lead them on the path of salvation.”
(MTR 5.3 [Med 197.3])

After the death of his parents in 1672, St. John Baptist de La Salle chose Nicolas Roland as his spiritual director. Himself a proponent of teaching the poor, Roland guided the young De La Salle by encouraging him to continue his studies and to take minor orders in preparation for the priesthood. Roland influenced De La Salle in his efforts of “spiritual detachment”—to detach from his previous mindset so as to attach more strongly to God.

As a Guiding Light Member, you support young people by being one of their watchful guides, encouraging their education and preparation for a life of lived Catholic values and service. With your help and guidance, that can see a better life ahead.

$10,000-24,999: Heroic Vow Member

“Do not be disheartened
by the difficulties you experience.”
(Letter 90 - to an unnamed Brother, date unknown)

In 1691, a pivotal moment in De La Salle’s life, facing great challenges and opposition, he and two chosen Brothers took a private vow of perseverance, pledging to continue their work even if it meant risking their lives and enduring persecution. This “heroic vow” symbolized their unwavering dedication to the formation of the Christian Brothers, to serving the marginalized, and advancing the cause of accessible education.

As an Heroic Vow Member, you exemplify that pledge of continuing the work of the Lasallian mission regardless of any difficulties that lie ahead. Your zealous vow is one of strength and enduring faith.

$25,000-49,999: Providential Member

The miracles of God’s Providence
take place every day.”
(Part of the Founder’s address to the first teachers
about Providence, as quoted in Blain)

St. John Baptist de La Salle faced many challenges and much opposition in his pioneering role as an educator of the poor. But he felt called by divine providence to establish a community of educators. Embracing a life of simplicity, humility, and self-sacrifice, De La Salle prayed fervently, believing that God's providence would sustain him and his Brothers in their educational ministry. He believed that God's guidance and support were evident in the formation and growth of the Institute, despite numerous financial challenges. De La Salle believed and trusted in divine providence to provide for the needs of the Institute and relied on donations, benefactors, and providential interventions to sustain their mission.

Our founder viewed his work as a collaboration with Divine Providence. As a Providential Member, you are one of those benefactors for whom De La Salle prayed. You are a collaborator with St. John Baptist de La Salle in educating young people today. Together, you change lives.

$50,000+ Sister Louise Member

“You can perform miracles
by touching the hearts
of those entrusted to your care.”
(Med 180.3—feast of St Hilarion)

In 1714, after a serious illness, Fr. De Saleon suggested De La Salle spend time at Parmenie to recover. Afraid that De La Salle would leave too soon, he used his urgent business trip to Provence as an excuse to ask De La Salle to take over his duties while he was gone. This gave De La Salle a means to express his gratitude, as well as a reason to remain. In what might be described as an Act of Providence, Sr. Louise, who was looking for a director of retreats at the time, convinced De La Salle that his work was with the Brothers and not at Parmenie. As a result, our founder returned to Paris and his work with the Brothers. Just five years later, on Good Friday in 1719, St. John Baptist de La Salle entered into eternal life at the age of 67.

Brother Barthelemy, who was with him at his deathbed, suggested he offer up his sufferings; he replied: “Yes, I adore God guiding me in all the events of my life.”

As a Sister Louise Member, you represent the culmination and continuation of the work of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Just as Sr. Louise assured that our founder continued his work with the Christian Brothers, your support and generosity also assure that the work continues. Your message is that the pioneering work of St. John Baptist de La Salle is appreciated even today. That the work of today’s Brothers is important; that a Catholic, values-based education remains essential to the development and well-being of young people. Like Sr. Louise, you take a most important position in the furthering of the Lasallian mission—you provide the means for it to remain alive, today and always.

The Christian Brothers have had such a profound influence on our personal and professional lives that we gratefully support them in their work to help young people of future generations.

Dr. Ann (O‘Connor) Trauscht, M. D.
Driscoll Catholic High School, Alumnus 1973;  Saint Mary’s University Minnesota, Alumnus 1977; Saint Mary’s University Minnesota Trustee

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