Br. Teliow

Birth Name
Bernard Fackledei
Day of remembrance

Born in Wesel on the Rhine, Prussia, on November 25, 1828, Bernard Fackledei, was the son of Herman and Henrina Gries Fackledei. The family emigrated to the United States and settled in Cincinnati, and at age twenty-three, on June 12, 1851, Bernard entered the Brothers' Novitiate in St. Louis on Cerre Street. There he received the habit of the Brothers and the religious name of Brother Teliow. In September of 1851 he was assigned to Christian Brothers College in St. Louis, Missouri and in 1852 he was transferred to Detroit. Brother Teliow was appointed Director at St. Peter's School in Philadelphia in 1854 and later opened St. Michael's and St. Anne's Schools in that city. He also secured the charter for La Salle College in Philadelphia. In 1863 he was appointed Director of the New York Catholic Protectory and remained there for fourteen years. In 1870 he was invited to Ecuador as consultant to the government for the establishment of training schools for boys. Seven years later he opened a school in Quito, the home of Saint Brother Miguel. Brother Teliow was exiled to France and afterwards transferred to California. In 1879, he was placed in charge of St. Mary's Training School in Feehanville, Illinois, and in 1884 he was assigned to St. Joseph's Industrial School at Glencoe, Missouri. Brother Teliow was appointed Director of St. Francis de Sales Industrial School in Eddington, Pennsylvania in 1895. He died five years later at Ammendale, Maryland, at age seventy-two, having been a De La Salle Christian Brother for forty-nine years.

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