Br. Mario Dominic
Robert Charles Stockhausen was born on October 29, 1932, in Rollingstone, Minnesota. He received his B.S. degree in Elementary Education at Winona State in 1957 and two years later entered the Novitiate at Glencoe, Missouri. In August of 1959 Robert received the robe and the religious name of Brother Mario Dominic. A year later he professed his first vows at Glencoe and in the fall of 1961 was assigned to teach English at Christian Brothers High School in Memphis, Tennessee. Mario remained in Memphis for five years before being assigned to the House of Studies in St. Louis, Missouri, where he could pursue his graduate studies at St. Louis University. In 1967 he was assigned to La Salle High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained for twenty-two years. During his time at La Salle he completed his graduate courses and received his M.S. in Education at Xavier University in Cincinnati in 1975. Mario was transferred in 1989 to Christian Brothers College High School in St. Louis, Missouri. He had a heart transplant in 1991 but when he recovered he spent the rest of his educational career tutoring students each day until 2004 when his health forced him to fully retire. Throughout all of his educational career he had a special attraction to students who needed assistance in vocabulary and reading skills. He moved to St. Anne Home in Winona in 2004 and died there of pneumonia and a heart attack on September 28, 2006. He had been a De La Salle Christian Brother for forty-seven years. His funeral took place in his home parish, Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Rollingstone.
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