Br. Lewis Ambrose

Birth Name
Thomas Kennedy
Day of remembrance

Bernard and Mary McMeehan Kennedy gave birth to Thomas Kennedy on April 15, 1863, in New Cambria, Missouri. He attended Catholic school in Chillicothe, Missouri, from which he entered the Novitiate at Carondelet on April 21, 1877, at age fourteen. On entering the Novitiate in 1877 he received the habit and the religious name of Brother Lewis Ambrose. His tour of duty of fifty-seven years took him to St. Louis, Missouri, where he taught at St. Patrick, St. Malachy, St. John, St. Bridget and Christian Brothers College. He taught at St. Paul, Minnesota, as well as in Chicago, Illinois, at De La Salle, as well as CBC in St. Joseph, Missouri. He teaching assignments also took him to New Orleans, Louisiana, in Santa Fe, New Mexico and at Gray Horse, Oklahoma (1911-1913), where he was appointed Director. Brother Lewis Ambrose served in Glencoe as Sub-Director in the Juniorate in 1902 and as Sub-Director of the Community of Ancients in 1931 until his death at age seventy-two, having been a De La Salle Christian Brother for fifty-eight years.

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