Br. Kevin Malachy

Birth Name
John Kevin Ryan
Day of remembrance

In August 1957 Brother Kevin pronounced his first vows and began his undergraduate studies at St. Mary's College in Winona, Minnesota. He graduated in 1960 with a B. A. Degree. His first teaching assignment was at St. Mel High School in Chicago, Illinois, where he taught freshman students. He was next assigned to the House of studies in St. Louis, Missouri in 1965. It was here that he prepared himself for a lifelong career of teaching in the sciences. His next assignment was from 1966 to 1971 at Rummel High School in Omaha, Nebraska. Here he taught physics and chemistry and began to develop an interest in astronomy. In 1971 Kevin was assigned to, Memphis, Tennessee where he would stay and teach for the rest of his life, first at Christian Brothers High School from 1971 to 1978, and then at CBC/CBU from 1978 until 2017. Kevin thought that Memphis was the perfect place to be for golf and tennis which he often played right up to six weeks before his death. On August 20, 2017 Brother Kevin peacefully passed away a few minutes after leaving the chapel in which he had attended Sunday Mass. He had been a De La Salle Christian Brother for 61 years.

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