Br. Julius Hugh

Birth Name
Joseph Zimmerer
Day of remembrance

Joseph Zimmerer was born on March 18, 1874, the son of Richard and Elizabeth Hugger Zimmerer, in Wittenberg, Germany. His family emigrated to Lansing, Michigan, and Joseph had completed two years of college at Michigan State University and had been engaged in business for two years before entering the Novitiate in Glencoe, on January 16, 1900. There he received the habit of the Brothers and the religious name of Brother Julius Hugh in March. He began his scholastic studies a year later in March of 1901 and in January of 1902 was assigned to St. Vincent's School in St. Louis, Missouri, until December of 1902 when he was assigned to the orphanage at Feehanville. In January of 1903 he returned to St. Louis where he taught at CBC from 1903 to 1906, at St. Vincent's in 1906, and was appointed Director at St. Alphonsus Rock Church Commercial Institute in 1907. He taught at De La Salle Academy from 1913 to 1915. From 1915 to 1926 he taught in Chicago and Detroit while obtaining his A.B. Degree from CBC, St. Louis and his M.A. and Ph.D. in classical languages from De Paul University in Chicago. In 1926 he became Director of the Superior Scholasticate in Chicago where he was often called the "One-man Scholasticate". DePaul University repeatedly asked him to join their faculty. He was assigned in 1933 to the first faculty at St. Mary's College in Winona and remained there until 1952 when he was assigned to the Holy Family Community in Glencoe, Missouri. He died in Glencoe at age eighty-two, having been a De La Salle Christian Brother for fifty-six years.

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