Br. Jovinian Leo
Paul Ernest Srubas was born the son of Peter and Agnes (Derringe) Srubas on October 7, 1931 in Chicago, Illinois. He received the habit on August 30, 1949 and professed his first vows in Glencoe in 1950. He attended St. Mary’s College in Winona, Minnesota for his B.A. (1953) and his M.Ed. (1961). He later received his Ph.D. at Universidad Interamericana del Norte, Saltillo, Mexico in 1965. Brother Leo’s first teaching assignment took him to De La Salle High School in Kansas City, Missouri in 1953 but in 1957 he was transferred to St. Francis High School in Wheaton, Illinois, where he served until 1962 when he taught in San Jose, Columbia for a year. The following year he was teaching at La Salle in Columbia and in 1964 he had a year of study at Saltillo, Mexico where he completed his Ph.D. In 1965 he was named Sub-Director in the Scholasticate in Memphis, Tennessee and the following year as Sub-Director of the Scholasticate at Lockport, Illinois. In 1967 Leo was assigned as a teacher and Registrar at Lewis College in Lockport and he remained there until 1975 when he was assigned to the Data Center on the Lewis campus. In 1981 he was named Business Manager at St. Patrick High School in Chicago where he served until 1997 when he retired at Roncalli High School in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. There he “volunteered” in his retirement years until 2012 when his health motivated him to move to Resurrection Community in Chicago. He moved to Resurrection Life Center in 2014, where, after serving as a De La Salle Christian Brother for sixty-six years, he died on August 1, 2015.
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