Br. James Walter

Birth Name
Michael Marnane
Day of remembrance

Michael Francis Marnane was born on October 24, 1879, in Chicago, Illinois, the son of James and Mary Marnane. At age fourteen he entered the Juniorate at Glencoe and on August 4, 1895, he entered the Novitiate where he received the habit of the Brothers and the religious name of Brother James Walter. His first assignment was at Christian Brothers College in St. Louis, Missouri, from 1897 to 1903, with a short six month period serving as Sub-Director at the Glencoe Juniorate in 1901. He also taught in 1903 at St. Bridget's in St. Louis and went Santa Fe in 1904 for a year. He returned to CBC St. Louis in 1905 but spent 1906 to 1910 in Santa Fe. He served in Memphis in 1910, made the Second Novitiate in Rome in 1911 and returned to Glencoe for 1912. He was assigned to De La Salle High School in Chicago in 1913 and returned to CBC, St. Louis. Brother James Walter was assigned in Duluth in 1916, in St. Paul in 1917, again in St. Louis at CBC in 1925, returned to De La Salle in Chicago in 1931 and St. Paul in 1935. He received his B.A. degree from CBC in St. Louis in 1904 and his M.A. from the University of Notre Dame in 1926. During his career he served as President of St. Michael's College in Santa Fe, and Vocation Director for the St. Louis District. He was assigned to Holy Family Community in Glencoe, Missouri in 1952 and died there three years later at the age of seventy-six, having been a De La Salle Christian Brother for sixty-two years.

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