Br. Hugh Matthew

Birth Name
Bernard Patrick Smith
Day of remembrance

Bernard  Patrick Smith was born on August 8, 1925, one of three children of Bernard  Patrick and Katherine Mary (Tyrell) Smith in Chicago, Illinois.  He attended De La Salle High School in  Chicago until he entered the Juniorate at Glencoe, Missouri, in 1943 and  later that same year, the Novitiate.   He professed  his first vows in  1944 and his perpetual vows in 1951.   His teaching career took him to Christian Brothers High School in  Memphis, Tennessee, De La Salle High School in Minneapolis and Cretin High  School, both in Minnesota.  He taught  at Roncalli High School in Omaha, Nebraska and at St. Mary’s College in  Winona, Minnesota.  He entered school  administration in 1959 at Christian Brothers High School in Quincy, Illinois,  and also served as chief administrator at Christian Brothers College High  School in St. Louis Missouri and Newport Catholic High School in Newport,  Kentucky.  Brother Matthew received his  BS from St. Mary’s College in Winona, Minnesota in 1943 and an MA from there  in 1955. He pursued and received his doctorate at St. Louis University and  completed his studies in 1974.  Matt  returned to Memphis in 1990 where he became Dean of Admissions and part-time  teacher in the Chemistry department at CBU.   He served as one of the Directors of the Lambert Hall Community there  until the time of his death.  He was  eighty-four years of age when he died and he had been a De La Salle Christian  Brother for sixty-six years.

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Remember the Brothers who dedicated their lives to serving in our schools, educating the youth, and stewarding the Lasallian Mission for over 300 years. A gift in remembrance honors their vocation and gives the ultimate gift to today’s students.