Br. Hugh Martin

Birth Name
James Smyth
Day of remembrance

James  Smyth was born on April 8, 1868, the son of Thomas and Mary Lunch Smyth in  Bailieboneth, Ireland.  He sought  entrance to the Novitiate at age forty-one at Glencoe on November 6, 1909.  In February of 1910 he received the habit  of the Brothers and the religious name of Brother Hugh Martin.  In March of 1911 he was assigned to De La  Salle Academy in Kansas City, Missouri, but in August of that same year he  was assigned to St. John's Indian School in Gray Horse, Oklahoma.  After two years Brother Hugh Martin was  assigned in New Orleans at St. Mary's School, where he remained until he was  assigned to Christian Brothers College in Memphis in 1916.  Brother Hugh returned to Kansas City in  1917 and died there one year later at the age of fifty, having been a De La  Salle Christian Brother for nine years.

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Remember the Brothers who dedicated their lives to serving in our schools, educating the youth, and stewarding the Lasallian Mission for over 300 years. A gift in remembrance honors their vocation and gives the ultimate gift to today’s students.